Breast milk production works on supply and demand. That’s because wearables don’t fully empty your breasts as well as traditional breast pumps do.

“None of them should be used 100% of the time.” “Wearable pumps should be considered secondary pumps,” explains Jacob. But-and this is a big but-they do have some limitations that are important to learn about before you start using one. Most wearable pumps do work and are a great option for many people. Wearable breast pumps have transformed how, when and where pumping parents can express milk for their babies. Each brand has different suction strengths and suction patterns, so you’ll want to research as much as possible before purchasing.
It’s important to note that not all portable pumps are created equally. Whereas a traditional pump may weigh around two to three pounds, many portables are weighed in ounces-anywhere from a few ounces for some of the smallest to about 10-12 ounces for larger portables. Portable breast pumps are also much lighter than an average breast pump. To collect the pumped milk, you can use either standard breastmilk collection bottles or collection cups (a wearable milk collection insert) for extra portability. If you’re pumping with a portable, you’ll still need to run tubing from the pump to your flanges. Portable pumps take the body of a traditional pump (think a Spectra or a Medela, for example) and shrink it down to a smaller, more compact size. Portable pumps are like a cross between a traditional pump and a wearable pump. Because of this, there are no exterior tubing, wires or collection bottles needed. Everything you need to pump-the motor and battery, the flanges, the bag or container that collects the milk-is built right into a wearable pump.

Wearable pumps are truly hands-free and cord-free.

Wearable pumps and portable pumps both offer less bulk and increased portability over more traditional breast pumps however, they aren’t the same thing. But because of their slimmer profile and since there are no bottles protruding from the flanges, wearable pumps are a lot less noticeable than traditional pumps, and in most cases you’ll be able to slip your wearable into your bra without having to take off or even pull up your shirt. Again, this will vary by which brand of pump you’re using, and wearables are definitely noticeable while you’re using them (despite what some marketing claims lead you to believe!). Wearable breast pumps are also much more discrete than traditional pumps. “But wearable pumps give you the best chance of keeping your pump in place and not spilling milk while you’re doing other things.” “You’ll always be aware that you are pumping,” says Jacob. Most wearable breast pumps allow you to move around fairly freely while pumping, but there are varying degrees of mobility depending on which brand of wearable pump you’re using. Collection cups or breast milk collection bags.Motor, usually either housed inside the main body of the pump or as a separate piece that you clip into the top of the pump.Most wearable pumps consist of a few main parts: What Are the Best Wearable Breast Pumps?Īs the name implies, a wearable breast pump is a hands-free, tube-free, wireless and completely portable breast pump that you can wear right in your bra.Does Insurance Cover Wearable Breast Pumps?.